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26 January 2011

Red Valvet Cake =)

Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Selamat pagi MAlaysia...

HAri ni aku kasi tepek gambar kek..
kau mesti terkejutkan..*eh bila masa perempuan ini pandai buat kek.

Ye lorh,aku belajar buat sendiri okey dan dimonitor oleh kawan melalui telefon.

Semenjak kebelakangan ini..cewahhh ayat tak boleh blah,
banyak sangat aku baca blog2 orang yang sibuk dok pung..pang..pung..pang pasal Kek baldu merah ni..ops..Red Valvet cake..hahaha *poyo feel omputih.

Mengikut kata makcik-makcik aku
"Baguslah dah nak kahwin ni pandai buat macam-macam,nanti dah kahwin senang jimat duit laki."

hahahaha jimatkah?
bila aku cerita dengan EN.Tunang..
haruslah dia cakap..

"ye makan kat luar tu jimatlah,tapi bila bab shopping tak da maknanya.Kalau bagi Sejuta pun boleh habis dalam masa seminit."

Ceh..itu ayat bakal suami.Tak membina langsung.
Alhamdulillah,dia ada dapat projek sket...dapat duit lebih sikit..*sambil kelip2 mata..

Aku:Tahniah...rezeki nak kahwin kan,yang penting ada duit masuk.

En.Tunang:Ye..tahniah..kejap lagi,abang khatam lah ni.

Aku:Eh,apasal pulak?

En.Tunang:Yelah,dapat duit tak nak makan sorang kan *sambil menjeling kat aku..

Aku:hahahaha..x payah cakap dah faham maksud ye..senang..sebab tu I lap u..hoyeah~

Holalalala...ops!...tak boleh berjoli sakan..kena simpan..
lepas kahwin banyak lagi benda nak kena buat.
Honeymoon?...muahahaha..kami tak rancang mahu kemana2.
Ada rezeki lebih insyaallah.
LAgipun kalau dah kahwin nanti,tiap2 malam pun boleh ber Horny-moon..hahaha *gatal.

Eh..melalut..ok2..sila tgk gambar kek hasil kerja tangan saya ye Puan2...

Tadaa.....Red Valvet Versi Cik Syazana
Terima kasih banyak2 pada CikMerahJambuOren
Sebab,monitor kawan dia yang sengal ini melalui hp...
muahaha..bebeh kaulah kesayangan aku =)
Kat bawah aku kasi resepi,malas nak translate,
Kalau kau nak resepi lain sila berjumpa dengan Auntie Nani
Kau geledah lah blog dia confirm jumpa resepi Red Valvet ni.


2 1/4 cup of MFM self raising flour (is recommended brand)
1 teaspoon/ tablespoon of salt (seriously, didnt affected much. TRUST ME)
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder (more cocoa means the darker your cake will be)
1/2 bottle of red food coloring
250 grams unsalted butter/ buttercup brand (must divided by 2 for cake and the topping)
1 1/4 cup of sugar (is ok. not too sweet)
2 large eggs (if gred B-3 eggs and gred C-4 eggs)
1 cup of plain yogurt
2 teaspoon/ table spoon of vanilla extract (yet, didnt affected much)
1 teaspoon of baking soda NOT MUCH!
1 teaspoon of white vinegar
250grams of cream cheese NOT chesdale slices!
1 cup of icing sugar


pre heat the oven to 180 degree celsius.

mix the flour and baking soda. then 'ayak' them. add salt and put aside.

in a different bowl, beat butter and sugar by hand then follow by the mixer in a medium speed.

add eggs, one at a time. then, add the flour in few tablespoons at a time. * if the mixture is TOO sticky add an egg. it works BUT if the mixture is over 'cair' add the flour. still beating them in the medium speed.

then, mix the plain yogurt. bit by bit add food coloring and cocoa until you get the color. *remember if you want the bright color add a teaspoon of cocoa only.

last but not least, the vanilla extract and the white vinegar. whisk them until it smooth.


beat the cream cheese and butter until creamy. add vanilla extract and icing sugar. cont beating until the mixture is the topping on the red velvet by using a spatula.

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